Midlothian House Project's own Brilliance Award

Midlothian House Project's own Brilliance Award

Posted 21st February 2022

Since October we have been working hard with our new cohort, who identify themselves as C9. MHP has had a lot of outside agencies wanting to work with us to get the communities views, ideas and skills. 

Even with all this going on two of C9 have managed to take the time out their busy schedules to smash their personal learning journals.

All members of the C9 community have embraced the National House Project model and trusted us to try new things. 

And finally one of C9 members has recently moved in and has taking most of the challenging jobs of setting up a home in their stride. 

So with all the being said, MHP's Brilliance Award goes to C9 for all their hard work and determination.  

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