Quotes from Young people on the project

I really look forward to meeting the other care experienced young people who are in the project
Working together to help each other get ready for our own tenancy. We can share skills

Being able to spend time with other young people in Scotland has been great

It has given me some time away to socialise and be me
I felt quite nervous but when I got here everyone was nice
I feel like a massive weight has been lifted - we've finally been heard

Young people at the heart of decision making

Their collective views and ideas drive the development of all House Projects through the Care Leavers National Movement. They meet on a regular basis to share good practice, talk about and find solutions to any challenges they are facing and to suggest new ways of doing things. They work hard, have fun and their views make a real difference to how young people leave care and move into their own homes.

I joined CLNM to be a voice for care leavers and to meet new people

Latest News

Latest News

EXIT Study: Toolkit launched!
EXIT Study: Toolkit launched!

Care leavers are set to benefit from a new innovation toolkit designed by Warwick Business School. The Implementation Toolkit helps local authorities, care homes, charities and organisations working in the care sector to implement new ideas that will improve their service without getting stuck with ‘pilotitis’ – ie never seeing the light of day after numerous trials.

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Young people getting into college
Local Solicitor came to educate us
Local Solicitor came to educate us

on keeping themselves safe online.

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