News from April 2022

Midlothian Children and Families Development Away Day 2022

28th April 2022

Time to show off about what our community has achieved

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Young care leavers from Wolverhampton celebrate graduation from House Project

14th April 2022

he success of the City of Wolverhampton Council backed project was marked with a special event held at Grand Station. It celebrated the ‘graduation’ of care leavers from the project and into independent living, and thanked external partners who have worked with council staff and young people to deliver the Wolverhampton House Project over the last few years. 

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We have some serious talent in our community

10th April 2022

The reward of offering an opportunity and watching it come into fruition.

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Recent News

EXIT Study: Toolkit launched!
EXIT Study: Toolkit launched!

Care leavers are set to benefit from a new innovation toolkit designed by Warwick Business School. The Implementation Toolkit helps local authorities, care homes, charities and organisations working in the care sector to implement new ideas that will improve their service without getting stuck with ‘pilotitis’ – ie never seeing the light of day after numerous trials.

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Young people getting into college
Local Solicitor came to educate us
Local Solicitor came to educate us

on keeping themselves safe online.

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