News from January 2023

What has been going in Midlothian!!!

31st January 2023

You have missed it all.

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Lancashire House Project mentioned in Ofsted report

26th January 2023

"Children in care who are moving towards adulthood are supported to prepare for greater independence. The local authority has invested in a bespoke housing project for children leaving care, to offer them extensive support in setting up home for the first time. A small number of children have started on this scheme, which offers a wraparound service, including therapeutic and peer support, so that they have the best opportunity to succeed in their new homes. While at an early stage of implementation, the project is showing positive signs of addressing care leavers’ needs in a holistic way.”

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Newsletter January 2023

21st January 2023

Happy New Year! Welcome to our first newsletter of 2023. We hope you enjoy reading about what we have been up to over the past few months and what's going on in 2023. A huge thank you to staff & young people who have continued to excel since the last newsletter in July 2022. We are excited about what the New Year will bring; improved opportunities and outcomes, more young people in their own homes, new ways of working and new projects!

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Latest News

Latest News

Recent News

EXIT Study: Toolkit launched!
EXIT Study: Toolkit launched!

Care leavers are set to benefit from a new innovation toolkit designed by Warwick Business School. The Implementation Toolkit helps local authorities, care homes, charities and organisations working in the care sector to implement new ideas that will improve their service without getting stuck with ‘pilotitis’ – ie never seeing the light of day after numerous trials.

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Young people getting into college
Local Solicitor came to educate us
Local Solicitor came to educate us

on keeping themselves safe online.

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