Midlothian House Project is a Local House Project (LHP). All LHP's are members of the National House Project. House Projects support young people leaving care to create their own homes and live connected and fulfilling lives.

House Projects are co-designed with young people. They work together to develop relationships and learn skills that enable them to live successful adult lives. They have a choice in where they live and are involved in getting their property ready to become their home. Midlothian House Project is represented by young people at the Care Leavers National Movement (CLNM) to ensure that a young person’s voice is at the heart of all decision making. They are joined by representatives from all other LHPs.

Life Changes Trust

We were delighted to receive Life Changes Trust Funding, matched with a financial commitment by Midlothian Council to enable us to launch the National House Project framework in Midlothian.

After consultation with the Care Leavers group, Midlothian Council decided that they would incorporate some variations to the National House Project approach to create a Midlothian specific House Project. These include the incorporation of health & wellbeing activities within the project, a focus on transport and safety, the involvement of family and friends, flexibility to allow for shared living if this is what the young person prefers, and the possibility for the facilitators involved within the project to take on a wider coordination role of the professionals involved in the young people’s lives.   

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EXIT Study: Toolkit launched!

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